What Are The Best Activities To Do With Children When Visiting Venice?

Venice is a magical city for kids, with its maze-like streets, canals, and beautiful history.While it may seem like a place designed for adults, it’s also a perfect destination for families with kids. From water adventures to colorful islands, there are plenty of exciting activities to keep children happy and curious. Let’s dive into the best things you can do with kids when visiting Venice!

Take a Ride on the Vaporetto – Venice’s Water Bus

One of the most exciting experiences for kids in Venice is riding a vaporetto, the city’s public water bus. These boats are the main way to travel around Venice because there are no cars, and children find it fascinating! Sailing down the Grand Canal, they can spot beautiful bridges, historic buildings, and gondolas. It’s an adventure in itself, like stepping into a floating city.

Try to catch a front seat if possible! It’s a great way for kids to feel like they’re the captain of the boat. And if you go in the evening, the city lights sparkling on the water make the ride even more magica

Visit the Colorful Islands of Murano and Burano

A short boat trip will take you to the enchanting islands of Murano and Burano.

In Murano, you can visit a glass factory to see a real glass-blowing demonstration. Watching a craftsman turn molten glass into beautiful vases, animals, or jewelry feels like a magical art show. The fire, colors, and the transformation process will surely captivate the imagination of children.

On the nearby island of Burano, kids will love wandering through the streets lined with vibrant, colorful houses. The buildings are painted in bright shades of yellow, pink, blue, and green, making it feel like you’ve entered a world straight out of a storybook. Burano is also famous for its lace-making tradition, which you can see in some small workshops. While the lace might not interest all kids, the charm of the island surely will.

Feed the Pigeons at St. Mark’s Square

Piazza San Marco (St. Mark’s Square) is the heart of Venice and a must-see for any visitor. For kids, one of the highlights is feeding the friendly pigeons that gather in the square. It’s an unforgettable moment for them to hold out their hands and have the birds gently land on them. The joy and excitement in their eyes make this simple activity a favorite.

The square itself is also surrounded by stunning landmarks like St. Mark’s Basilica and the Campanile bell tower, both of which offer spectacular views and fascinating architecture for parents to enjoy. The wide-open space is perfect for kids to roam freely, with plenty of places for a quick rest or snack after exploring.

Discover Dinosaurs and Fossils at the Natural History Museum

Venice’s Natural History Museum (Museo di Storia Naturale) is a treasure trove for curious kids. It’s located inside an old palace, and once inside, children can embark on a journey through time! The museum has everything from dinosaur skeletons to fossils and stuffed animals, all displayed in engaging and interactive ways.

Kids will love the huge skeleton of a dinosaur that greets them as they enter, along with the many different animal exhibits. It’s the perfect spot for those rainy days or when the kids need a break from walking around. With hands-on displays and fascinating stories, it’s a fantastic way to keep children entertained while they learn something new.

Get Lost in the Maze of Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo

For children who love a good adventure, Venice is full of hidden spots to explore. One of the best is the Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo, known for its spiral staircase that looks like something out of a fairy tale. Climbing up this tower feels like an exciting quest, and once you reach the top, you’re rewarded with breathtaking views of Venice’s rooftops and canals.

The winding staircase is fun for kids to climb, and the sense of discovery makes it one of the city’s best-kept secrets. It’s also a great way for the whole family to take in the beauty of Venice from a different angle.

Visit the Peggy Guggenheim Collection

If your kids are budding artists or simply love colorful paintings and sculptures, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection is an exciting place to visit. The museum is full of modern art, with unique and playful works that children will enjoy. The outdoor sculpture garden is particularly appealing for kids, where they can wander among fascinating sculptures in a peaceful setting.

Some artworks are abstract and bold, making them fun to interpret through a child’s eyes. Plus, the museum overlooks the Grand Canal, offering beautiful views and a quiet spot for parents to relax while the kids explore.

Enjoy Gelato and Pastries

No trip to Italy, especially Venice, is complete without tasting the delicious gelato! Kids will love stopping at one of the many gelaterias for a sweet treat. From classic flavors like chocolate and vanilla to more adventurous ones like pistachio or fruit sorbets, there’s a flavor for every taste.

Venice also has many bakeries offering frittelle (a type of Venetian doughnut) and other delicious pastries. It’s the perfect way to take a break from sightseeing and enjoy a local snack.

Go on a Gondola Ride

For a truly Venetian experience, take the kids on a gondola ride through the narrow canals. The calm water, quiet surroundings, and the gentle rhythm of the gondola gliding through the canals create a peaceful, magical atmosphere that kids will remember forever. Some gondoliers even sing as they row, adding to the charm of this unique experience.

While gondola rides can be a bit expensive, the joy it brings to children as they float through the hidden waterways of Venice is priceless.

Learn Mask-Making in a Workshop

When you visit Venice, one of the most fun things you can do is learn how to make your own mask! Venice is famous for its beautiful carnival masks, and in a mask-making workshop, you can create one yourself.

First, you’ll choose a plain white mask. Then, using bright paints, shiny beads, feathers, and glitter, you get to decorate it any way you like. You can make it colorful, scary, funny, or elegant—it’s all up to you!

The best part? You can take your mask home as a special souvenir from Venice.

Venice may be famous for its art and history, but it’s also a fantastic place for children. From boat rides to fascinating museums and colorful islands, Venice offers a wide range of activities that will make your family vacation unforgettable. Whether it’s the thrill of spotting a dinosaur skeleton, watching glass blowers at work, or just enjoying a gelato by the canal, Venice has something for every child to enjoy.

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